On this Mother’s Day weekend I want to share with you a very special photography session, no wait, a photography experience is a better description. I am honored to share the story of how sweet, dark-haired Connor Michael was welcomed into the world on his birthday. This is what Mother’s day is all about. That moment that changes your life forever as this warm, cuddly being is wrapped up and put into your arms and your heart grows a little bigger to accommodate him.
I am excited to start offering this type of “experience” for my clients this year. I have teamed up with an incredible writer, Nicole Schmoll, who graciously interviewed Connor’s mama and produced the story of the day Connor was born. We are wrapping this imagery together with the beautiful words and creating an album showcasing this memorable day. My hope is that this is just the start of albums for baby Connor. I also hope that this album is a story starter between Connor and his parents. My vision includes him pulling it off the shelf, snuggling in close to his Mama and asking her to to him about the day he was born. I know he will ask other questions about this experience and the stories will just flow from there.
Happy Mother’s day to all my clients who are a mama themselves, cherish their own mother or are eagerly waiting to join the club. It is the most incredible job a woman will ever have and I thank God each night for my own little peanut that calls me Mama.
Connor Michael
Born March 28, 2012
7 lbs., 5 ounces, 19.5 inches long
On the Day You Were Born…
You came into the world softly, almost sweetly. Your dad was cheering you on like you were the star player on the Mt. Michael soccer team. I was smiling and your big brother Will was expecting your arrival in the waiting room with a gathering of your aunts, uncles and grandparents. Meeting you for the first time was the beautiful, melodic moment we’d all been waiting for.
Before the Big Day
As our second child, it seemed fitting that you were almost two years in the making. We tried for ten months to conceive you and then I carried you for another ten. My pregnancy with you started just like your big brother Will’s – pretty standard. While I don’t remember any strange cravings, I do remember spending the last two months on bed rest.
You were due during soccer season and your Daddy was concerned that he might miss your arrival. As your due date drew near, aunts and uncles brought me meals and played with Will while Daddy was coaching games and running practices. After nearly a week of inconsistent contractions, sleepless nights, countless phone calls and walks around nurseries, we were finally able to check in to Methodist hospital at 192nd and Q on Wednesday, March 28 at 3:30 p.m.

Your Birth Story
You couldn’t have picked a more perfect day to be born. It was the only day during the week that that Daddy didn’t have any soccer games. That was a good thing; not only so your Daddy could be sure not to miss the moment of your birth, but also because I needed him to rub my back in between contractions before the epidural kicked in. Once the anesthesiologist finished his work, I felt good enough to laugh with your Daddy, give your brother a few big hugs and write some business emails.
After about five hours of story telling, laughter and goofing off, I felt like it was time to push. Around 9:00 p.m., your nurse, Ashley, went to get Dr. Westcott. While we waited for the doctor, we turned on Baby of Mine and listened to your special song. The lyrics filled the air in the hospital room with our love for you.
Baby mine, don’t you cry,
Baby mine, dry your eyes.
Rest your head close to my heart,
Never to part,
Baby of mine.
I was emotional but calm. Your Daddy was the best birth coach ever. He was so proud of both of us. Five to ten pushes later, Dr. Westcott set you gently on my chest.
I admired you through joyful tears in the minutes following your birth. I was so thankful to have that time with you because I knew what it was like not to have those special moments with Will, who needed some help breathing right after he was born.

After they cleaned us up, we brought in your big brother Will to meet you. We told him your name was Connor Michael, which we were thankful to have settled upon just a few days before. Just like Will, we went through a long and winding road of discarded names before we found the one that was perfect for you; Hank, Henry and Joshua were just a few of the casualties suffered along the way.
After Will shared a few special moments with his new little brother, the full waiting room emptied into our room. Your grandparents, aunts and your uncle came in to admire your full head of jet black hair. We bantered on about how you have my hair, nose and eyes, and your Daddy’s ears, feet and toes. Around 11:00 pm everyone left so that you and I could get some sleep.
In those quiet moments we shared together, the last lines of your special song fluttered through my thoughts and came to rest on that special place in my heart reserved just for you. I know it’s how I will feel about you for as long as God gives me breath. You are now, and always will be, my precious, laid-back, uncomplicated little man.
From your head down to your toes
You’re not much, goodness knows.
But you’re so precious to me,
Sweet as can be,
Baby of mine.
Please click here to view the slideshow we created with the images and Connor’s special song, “Baby Mine”.
Cara, what a beautiful story–photos AND words. You are offering your clients a masterpiece from their own lives…and that is priceless. Wishing you the best as you grow this new part ofyour business. xo
Cara that is absolutely beautiful…makes me even more excited to join you lovely ladies in the mom club this fall! Happy Mother’s Day!